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Friday, September 16, 2016

BEREC's guidelines on zero rating are another "economics-free zone", populism is the guiding principle - Layton

BEREC's guidelines on zero rating are another "economics-free zone", populism is the guiding principle - Roslyn Layton, Ph.D. Fellow: "If experience is any guide, BEREC will likely get itself into trouble should it adopt such guidelines.  After 18 months of deliberation, the Slovenian court ruled against the telecom regulator Akos on four lawsuits which charged that its decisions on zero rating were arbitrary and capricious. The Court declared that the Slovenian net neutrality law cannot be understood a per se prohibition on zero rating. The court also noted that the regulator ignored the economic analysis of the national competition authority. I have followed this case closely and describe it here and here. Telecom regulators, if they are smart will stick to their knitting in economics and not freelance into new territory." 'via Blog this'

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